ich habe genug Geschichte studiert und jetzt sag ich dir mal was: Der Mohammedanismus hat der Menschheit seit seiner Erfindung durch einen Epileptiker unter arabischen Nomadenvölkern nur Schrecken, Gemetzel, Unterwerfung und Ausbeutung gebracht. Auf seinen perversen Eroberungszügen gen Osten (Persisches Reich) und Westen (Byzantinisches Reich) hat er entweder Zivilisationen unter seine Fuchtel gebracht und anschl. so getan als sei alles auf seinem Kamelmist gewachsen, oder hat sie einfach niedergemetzelt.
Offensichtlich war sie schon während ihres Studiums effektiv gegen Fakten resistent.
Das es Auch anders ging zeigt der Brief von Ali an den Statthalter in Ägypten
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_of_Ali_ibn_Abi_Talib_to_Malik_al-AshtarAli's letter makes the following points on the responsibilities of a leader:
He should be a fair governor for his staff and citizens
He should choose the most qualified yet virtuous, honest, truthful, and pious men for his administration
He must be just
He must punish back-biters and scandal-mongers
He must supervise the activities of his staffs and be sure that justice and social equality are observed at any situation
He should consult with his staff and not issue authoritative orders made solely by himself
He should fight against corruption, injustice and evil usages of authority against citizens[13]
He should pay attention to any fault in his officers as long as he knows and takes it
He should keep regular and persistent communications with his governors, commissioners, etc
He should avoid self-admiration and self-appreciation
He should not take for himself or his relatives any common property or in which others have equal rights
Aber wie gesagt, was sind schon Fakten...