Autor Thema: Querdenken  (Gelesen 1021217 mal)

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13530 am: 28. Februar 2024, 21:53:23 »
Tanzdemo zur Freilassung von FüllmeineTaschen

Da hätten doch von rechts und links wegen die Knastmauern einstürzen müssen. Aber sie haben wohl vergessen, die Hörner zu blasen.
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: WendtWatch, theodoravontane, Neubuerger, Goliath

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13531 am: 28. Februar 2024, 22:26:39 »
Tanzdemo zur Freilassung von FüllmeineTaschen
Es gibt ein Update mit passender Musik.  :headbang:  ;D

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13532 am: 29. Februar 2024, 10:21:45 »
Das haben die im Starlight Casino gedreht!
Ich bremse nicht für Nazis!
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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13533 am: 29. Februar 2024, 11:36:15 »
Bekannte Pöbler/Querdeppen/Querulanten wollten auf eine Handwerksmesse auf der auch Habeck und Söder eine Podiumsdiskussion hatten
Trotz Eintrittskarte kamen sie nicht rein weil der Veranstalter sagte: Du kommst hier ned rein

Grosses grosses Mimimi das man doch Angst hätte vor "dem Volk"

Diese Damen haben ein Messeticket, aber weil sie außerhalb der Messe für "Hand in Hand für unser Land" demonstriert haben, wurden sie aus der Messe entfernt und teilweise durchsucht. Auch die Personalien wurden aufgenommen. Ein Hausverbot wurde ausgesprochen.

Der Plan war eigentlich, #Habeck auf der Messe zu treffen, aber unser Wirtschaftsminister schätzt offenbar nicht den Kontakt zu Mittelständlern, die kritisch über unseren Kinderbuchautor denken.

Für Haintelmännchen ist es sogar

trotz Ticket und unter Androhung von willkürlichen und rechtswidrigen Polizeimaßnahmen hinausgeworfen wird.
An Rüdiger Hoffmann: Der Faschist sagt immer, da ist der Faschist  (in Anlehnung an die Signatur des geschätzten MitAgenten Schnabelgroß)

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13534 am: 29. Februar 2024, 13:42:45 »
Auf der Messen haben sowohl die Messe München GmbH und die GHM GmbH als Veranstalter Hausrecht. Wenn die sagen, du kommst hier nicht rein, muss das nicht mal begründet werden. Das gilt auch innerhalb der Veranstaltung.

Bei "Personen mit erhöhtem Schutzbedürfnis" sagt des BKA und das LKA, wie das abläuft.  Hatte ich bei Veranstaltungen öfters. Manchmal ist es völlig entspannt, manchmal braucht man ganz schnell 50 Parkplätze. Nach dem Vorfall mit der Fähre kann ich mir vorstellen, dass es heute bei Großveranstaltungen noch mehr sind. Und man soll es nicht glauben, Personenschützer sind nicht doof. Die lesen die einschlägigen Chats mit. Um eine bestimmte Person herauszufiltern braucht's nicht mal KI.

Was ich immer noch nicht verstehe, warum meckern Handwerker über zu hohe Steuern und unterstützen andererseits Bevölkerungsteile, die von diesen Steuern subventioniert werden.
Dummheit schützt vor Strafe nicht!

Captain Andra für die USSF
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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13535 am: 29. Februar 2024, 16:18:44 »
Wenn jemand morgen Zeit und Lust hat, ein ganz besonderes Exemplar

An Rüdiger Hoffmann: Der Faschist sagt immer, da ist der Faschist  (in Anlehnung an die Signatur des geschätzten MitAgenten Schnabelgroß)

Wir kamen
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Wir traten ihm in den Arsch
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: WendtWatch, theodoravontane, Rolly, Schnabelgroß, Wildente, Goliath, Feiertag, Chipmunk

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13536 am: 29. Februar 2024, 20:56:09 »
Wenn jemand morgen Zeit und Lust hat, ein ganz besonderes Exemplar

164 StGB incoming?
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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13537 am: 29. Februar 2024, 22:42:12 »
§ 164 wohl kaum, oder hat Ganz ihn bei Behörden angezeigt?

Im übrigen steht da ja schon: "Wegen Beleidigung". Wobei ich mir auch Üble Nachrede oder Verleumdung vorstellen kann. Wenn sich diese ganzen Rechtskundigen mal das GG durchlesen würden, könnten sie feststellen, dass die Meinungsfreiheit ihre Schranken in den allgemeinen Gesetzen findet. Steht gleich im nächsten Absatz.

Und vermutlich wird das Gericht sowohl die Wahrheit erkennen als auch nach den "BRD-Systemvorgaben", also dem StGB under StPO, urteilen. Was denn auch sonst? Soll es den Freisler geben und Volksgerichtshof spielen? Ansonsten interessieren sich für Ganz ja nun weder Putin noch die USA, und der NWO ist derzeit grad wieder alles egal.

soɥdʎsıs sǝp soɥʇʎɯ ɹǝp 'snɯɐɔ ʇɹǝqlɐ –
˙uǝllǝʇsɹoʌ uǝɥɔsuǝɯ uǝɥɔılʞɔülƃ uǝuıǝ slɐ soɥdʎsıs sun uǝssüɯ ɹıʍ ˙uǝllüɟnzsnɐ zɹǝɥuǝɥɔsuǝɯ uıǝ ƃɐɯɹǝʌ lǝɟdıƃ uǝƃǝƃ ɟdɯɐʞ ɹǝp

P.S.: Cantor became famous by proving it can't be done.
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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13538 am: 3. März 2024, 15:21:05 »
Ein Clown will eine Botschaft "an das russische Volk vom deutschen Volk" senden, indem er Blümchen und Pralinen in der russischen Botschaft abzugeben gedenkt.

Erst an der falschen Tür geklingelt (wissentlich außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten) und zwei mal von der Polizei weggescheucht worden ;D
Begründung des Polizisten: "Ich hab jetzt keine Lust auf Stress und Ärger...also bitte."
Sie haben ihm aber gestattet, den Krempel an der Tür abzulegen.
"Die könn sie hinlegen, dann sind sie ein guter Mensch für heute und fertig."

Wir waren wahrscheinlich alle geschockt über die Meldung über geheime Pläne der Bundeswehr, die Krim-Brücke mit Taurus-Raketen anzugreifen. Das würde Deutschland definitiv zur Kriegspartei machen. Dies geschieht nicht in unserem Namen! Diese Botschaft wollte Captain Future sofort an Russland übermitteln. Und wo ginge das wohl besser als an der Russischen Botschaft?

Nicht in eurem Namen? Aber dieser Hansel spricht für das deutsche Volk?  :naughty: :hand:

"Der Kaufhausdieb ruft immer: Haltet den Kaufhausdieb!" Kaufhausdieb Rüdiger
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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13539 am: 3. März 2024, 16:41:03 »
Bestimmt wird Putin Captain Future eine Packung "Merci" zukommen lassen. Gleich nach Wagenknecht, Kretschmer und Scholz.
"It’s easy. A lobotomized monkey could do it."
"And where are we going to find a lobotomized monkey at this time of night?"
— Jasper Fforde
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: WendtWatch, Goliath

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13540 am: 4. März 2024, 09:50:11 »
Sagt die ColaKiste hier etwa das Masken schützen?  ;D

Und bei Ballweg findet "ein Überfall" statt

« Letzte Änderung: 4. März 2024, 10:01:30 von SchlafSchaf »
An Rüdiger Hoffmann: Der Faschist sagt immer, da ist der Faschist  (in Anlehnung an die Signatur des geschätzten MitAgenten Schnabelgroß)

Wir kamen
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Wir traten ihm in den Arsch
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: DerDude, WendtWatch, theodoravontane, Wildente, Goliath, Lonovis, califix, Chipmunk

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13541 am: 4. März 2024, 12:23:45 »
Durch geschlossene Fenster zieht der Geruch nicht, was für mich bedeutet, das(s) die Geruchswolke dichter ist als Gas.
Diese Schlussfolgerungsfähigkeiten dürften so einige "Schlussfolgerungen" bei der Kistel erklären.
"It’s easy. A lobotomized monkey could do it."
"And where are we going to find a lobotomized monkey at this time of night?"
— Jasper Fforde
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: WendtWatch, theodoravontane, Reichsschlafschaf, Goliath, Lonovis, califix

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13542 am: 4. März 2024, 12:30:50 »
Hach Ballweg. Korrelation und Kausalität. Natürlich ist die Pfändung niemalsnienicht Resultat eines Bescheids und der folgenden Untätigkeit bei Begleichung der (Steuer)Schuld.
Es liegt nur an deiner Demoanmeldung. Man möchte dich natürlich mundtot machen und einschüchtern.

Und jetzt bitte alle ganz doll spenden schenken.

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13543 am: 4. März 2024, 22:09:02 »
Toby braucht etwa 300K Euros und möchte daher eine Genossenschaft gründen
An Rüdiger Hoffmann: Der Faschist sagt immer, da ist der Faschist  (in Anlehnung an die Signatur des geschätzten MitAgenten Schnabelgroß)

Wir kamen
Wir sahen
Wir traten ihm in den Arsch
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: WendtWatch, Goliath

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Re: Querdenken
« Antwort #13544 am: 5. März 2024, 00:37:01 »
Hatten wir das große MiMiMi vom Reinen Taschenfüller schon?

Transskript auf englisch
dear friends many years ago I taught law
at different
universities my major objective was
always to avoid important sounding legal
mumble jumble and teach my classes an
easily understandable language so that
every firste student would understand
what I taught now the time seems to have
come to slip back into my old role this
is because many people want to know if
there's any substance to the accusation
levels leveled against me or if the
criminal proceeding is merely a show
trial without any substance whose true
purpose is to stop me our team and our
group of international attorneys from
continuing with our legal inquiries I
will try to answer this question as
clearly and easily understandable as
possible if you want to fully understand
my statement please refer to this to the
transcript of this
statement first of all it is important
to note that I am not accused of having
committed a crime such as uh murder rape
or assault crimes are punishable with at
least one year imprisonment rather I'm
uh accused of having committed a
misdemeanor which is a lower level
violation of a statute this misdemeanor
is described in section 266 of the
German criminal code and this section
266 is unconstitutional on its face as
it is vague and over Brad which means
that it is not clear what kind of
behavior is punishable the precise words
are as follows a person who violates a
fiduciary duty to take care of another
person's monetary interests and thereby
causes damage to the other person's
monetary interests can be punished legal
Scholars argue that this is and nobody
knows what this means that this is a
statute whose vagueness and overbreadth
couldn't be any worse but this is a ruin
of the law or an allpurpose
weapon this is a democ sword hovering
over every decision a director of a
corporation makes because anything and
everything under this section can be
criminal that is in fact why the German
constitutional Court says that the use
of this uh statute should be should be
very restrained in fact mounting
evidence shows that this misdemeanor as
it has evolved into the preeminent
business crime in German law is now
being misused as a battlefield for
strategic and personal quarrels this is
what the what the um legal Scholars say
that should be left to the Civil courts
to solve indeed the available data
suggests they continue that those who
file criminal charges against directors
of Corporations and that's what I was I
was one of the directors of the and
still am one of the directors of the
corona investigative committee uh they
do this with the intent to misuse or
abuse it to pressure a director into
paying damages which in a civil
proceeding they wouldn't have a chance
winning for a better understanding of
hang on of the obvious and frivolous
misuse of the criminal charges in my
case for exactly this purpose I'll give
you a uh more detailed analysis in a
separate statement but for purposes of
this shorter statement let me uh just
summarize the facts and the applicable
analysis the decision that I and my
former co-host made when we were
informed in late October early November
of 2020 that Professor Zar pu's group's
bank accounts had been attached by the
authorities was to immediately remove
some of the donations from our bank
account so that our bank account
wouldn't be attached either or rather in
case it would be attached we wouldn't be
put out of business but would be able to
continue uh paying our manager our it
translators Etc and would be uh able to
continue with our work we decided to do
this openly and
transparently by way of a loan contract
and which was of course duly uh listed
in in the books of the corona
investigative committee and as even the
court agrees I was always both willing
and capable of repaying the loan I mean
I had lots of uh real estate where over
two million way over $2 million why
would I not do this I was the face of
the corona investigative committee I was
the one who was uh trying to make this
known on an international basis I gave
interviews five days a week in all
everywhere all over the world and I was
the one who coordinated an international
re legal response or was working on such
a coordination so why would I steal my
own money doesn't make any sense the um
our bank accounts were in fact really in
danger uh there was a real and imminent
danger because since late July of 2020
right from the beginning of our work um
our bank accounts the corona
investigative committee's um bank
accounts were being cancelled by the
Banks and the banks informed the
authorities of of possible money
laundering we knew that we just didn't
know how far that had gotten in the
meantime from the files of the district
attorney we know that they came really
really close and um the German version
of the um FBI was after us the question
now is if this business decision was a
violation of a fiduciary duty owed to
another person to take care of their
monetary uh
interests well we believe that it is uh
not a VI a violation of this Duty
because and we don't even know what this
Duty might be if there is a duty owed to
anyone then it is to the donors of
course not to the people who are um
accusing us with criminal uh activities
because under civil corporate law this
decision would clearly be covered by the
famous business judgment rule uh this is
clearly a reasonable decision under the
circumstances we were under the
impression that um uh an attachment of
our bank account was imminent so why not
um save some of them some of the money
especially um since we were um perfectly
able to repay the money from the uh
assets that we had and most donors and
viewers uh of our show and our
interviews had donated their money of
course so that we would be able to
conduct these interviews and show those
real Corona facts that the mainstream
media and politicians didn't want us to
know and of course these donors and
viewers would not have wanted their
money to be taken by the very State
actors including of course the German
Judiciary whose actions we were
questioning at any rate here in this
overview let me now focus on the highly
dubious statute and the even more
dubious actors we're dealing with in my
um so where does this statute come from
what are its
Origins easy this statute was introduced
into German law and included in the
German criminal code during the reign of
the Third Reich by Hitler's Nazis in
1933 this uh was made possible because
the infamous empowerment act had enabled
Hitler's goons to bypass the legislature
and get laws passed by the executive
branch which is by the Nazis themselves
in fact one of the most murderous of the
so-called terrible judges of the third
right the president of the then
equivalent of the Supreme Court ran fra
who sentenced the members of the
resistance group under um around count
stalen who tried to assassinate Hitler
on July 20th 1944 to death we in on the
importance of this statute and demanded
in a law review article that this
statute should be seen as a traitor's
statute these words from Germany's very
dark past take on an astonishingly
appropriate meaning in the context of my
case if we look at the actors involved
only much different from what U the
murder of fer had in
mind let us take a closer look at the
actors in my case and at their actions
let me focus on the three Berlin
attorneys who filed the criminal charges
against me on September 2nd
2022 um there are six reasons for us to
conclude that all of them acted to
destroy both the corona committee's work
and its successors ic's work by
defunding us reason number one the uh
out of the three attorneys who filed the
criminal complaint only two were ever
members of the corona investigative
committee and these two were only
brought on board by us as substitutes
for two renowned scientists who had
backed out of our work just before we
started with our work two these two
Replacements had never played a role in
the corona investigative committee's
work were in fact never interested in
its work and had left already in late 20
20 to start their own show which however
failed because nobody wanted to watch it
three on numerous occasions these two
had demonstrated to my former co-host
and me that they were only interested in
the donations I'll go into the details
in my next
statement it this will be shocking for
now with the help of the district
attorney and the criminal court they are
actually asking the the court to award
these donations to them if they Su
succeed um they will end up winning five
million roughly five million euros of
the corona investigative committee's
money my money my client's money and
even Vivian fishes
money five uh this is all the more
astonishing in its
brazenness as the corona investigative
committee's bylaws explicitly state that
none of us none of the directors and
shareholders shall receive any payment
for our work they didn't work in the
corona investigative committee anyway
and we shall not get any you know
severance pay no money if we leave the
corona investigative committee if we
leave our position as shareholders in
that Corporation because the money the
donations are only there uh for uh the
work of the coronal investigative
committee and six it is now obviously
obvious especially from a
commentary um written by my former
co-host and filed with the district
attorney a commentary on the criminal
complaint that pretty much all of it is
um falsehoods and outright lies
punishable all of this seems rather
unbelievable but it gets worse when you
go into the details of
which I will do in my follow-up
statement and it appears that the
district attorney and the court are
slowly but surely realizing that
something is terribly wrong this is only
after they started with the actual trial
this is when I finally was able to tell
them my side of the story and now
through the uh hearing um of the uh
Witnesses they're beginning to
carefully understand um that uh
some of these people are simply lying to
now just to make this perfectly clear
there cannot be a shadow of a doubt that
they that those who filed these criminal
charges or the criminal complaint
against me are using or misusing
criminal law uh for the purpose of
extorting money from me and us which
they wouldn't stand a chance of winning
if they sued me in a civil court there
uh their civil complaint would be
immediately thrown out because the
applicable corporate law that is the
bylaws of the cor Corona investigative
committee explicitly prohibit such
payments at any rate uh we have two
conflicting stories one is that of my
accusers there saying rer secret
secretly stole money from the corona
investigative committee to have to live
the high life our our side of the story
is we did take that money but we didn't
do it secretly or covertly we did it
openly through um uh uh loan contracts
which were duly listed in the corona
investigative committee's books and we
did it to secure some of our donations
from an imminent and acute Danger of
attachment by the DA's
office um and of course I would have
repaid the loan from the just as we had
planned to do and even discussed this in
public when uh my former um co-host and
others decided to make it public I wish
they hadn't but uh I would have repaid
the loan of course from the proceeds of
the long planed sale of my house had the
accusers not stolen that money by way of
the fraud and
extortion now I want to finish for
now um hang
on um by thanking you once again for all
of the postcards and letters that you
wrote me this is what keeps me going
incredibly enough um I read everything
and I can't tell you how much this
connection with all of you means to me
music which I listen to a lot also
connects people I believe therefore I
will start sharing with you some of my
favorite uh songs so that you will uh if
you're interested uh be able to learn a
little more about me um I'll start with
the first of five
songs and those
are um Tina Turner Private
Dancer pink FL
FL Another Brick in the Wall rert Holmes
Escape also known as the P Colada Song
Rod Stewart the mtown song and Robert
Palmer Johnny and Mary thank you very
much we will not give in we will win see
Dummheit schützt vor Strafe nicht!

Captain Andra für die USSF
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