Die Hälfte dieser Unternehmen dürfte nullundeinhalb Mitarbeiter haben und/oder seit Monaten in keiner Beziehung mehr zu Fitzek stehen. Aber den Rest sollte man sich einmal anschauen. Was ist denn mit der Leipziger Strickliesel passiert?
Und für Freunde des gepflegten Humors jetzt Fitzek Weisheiten in Englisch:
Most people have no knowledge of how completely new systems of money, financial institutes, the economy, the media, the health service etc. should be established and organised. I myself have often experienced this in talks with government representatives, economists, presidents of central banks etc. They mostly have no idea how to organise a debt-free and interest-free monetary system in their states. Neither do they know what freedom and prosperity that would lead to for all people, without anybody being a loser. Nor do they know how to establish a nationwide health service offering all people a right to health and actually also implement this. They do not know of ways to create a pension system which works independently of the demographic development and provides all people with a secure and prosperous old age in happiness and esteemed by others.
The organisation “Renewed United Nations” is the solution to all the world’s problems.
Aha. Er hat sich also schon mit Regierungsrepräsentanten und Zentralbank-Präsidenten (im Plural, im echten) gesprochen. Und musste feststellen, dass die meistens gar keine Ahnung haben.....
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